Sofos Realty Corporation

Unique development opportunity in the Ewa Plain (Ho’opili)

Prime location for businesses in this newly developing Ewa Plain area. The Ho’opili community plans to have over 11,000 new homes, five schools, various parks, and pavilions catering to residents. Homes are expected to range from the mid $300,000′ s to $800,000′ s and be a mix of single family homes, condos, townhouses, and rental apartments. Two-hundred acres of commercial farming space plans to be spread throughout the area on civic farm lots. Two rail stations will also be located within the master development. Adjacent to the existing DHHL property. No other commercial spaces are located within the immediate area yet. The closest retail area nearby is Ka Makana Ali’ i. This is a great opportunity for businesses to be the first in a new community with established clientele.
The first 80 Ho’opili residents are scheduled to move in September 2018, with the ambition of a total of 300 within a year, resulting in an immediate untouched population of 1,000 residents expected to continue to rapidly grow. The site is prepped and ready to be developed. Gas, electricity, and water/sewer are all available at the property line. Ewa Beach has an approximate population of 64,000 people with the median age being 32. The approximate average household income for those aged 25-44 is around $73,000. Consumer spending in Ewa Beach is slightly above average for all categories. The neighboring site is to be developed by the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Medical Center.
Contact Steve Sofos or check the listing here.
